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Nasi Dulang at Ben’s, Pavillion

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It is the last week of Ramadhan….how time flies.
Raya mood is going strong in my office.
Some will be leaving for their kampung as early as tomorrow.
Last night, at the minute we decided to try Ben’s special berbuka set called Nasi Dulang For Two.
I rang Ben’s, Pavillion and to my joy, one last set was still available.
The set is priced at RM89.90++.
It may look empty but it was full house by 7.00 pm.




Desserts….not included in the set though  🙁




The Nasi Dulang set comprises of:
I had one of these.


Air sirap with biji selasih and lychee.
Refreshing 🙂
We started off with a bowl of chicken soup with glass noodles and ONE small piece of oyster mushroom.
Ben’s….next time, kasi lah lebih.




The Dulang.
There were ulam, fish keropok, grilled cencaru fish, ayam percik, udang galah, a bowl of wagyu brisket salai and egg sambal.
All were placed on banana leaf.


Keropok…..love it as it’s not salty. I break them into small pieces and ate it with rice.
Cencaru…..fresh and the stuffed chilies were delicious.
Btw, the fish was long. As in nearly 10 inches, perhaps…
Ayam percik….not too bad.
The portion’s quite big.
The wagyu beef is cooked in masak lemak style with belimbing buluh.
I love the gravy very much and it goes so well with rice.
Not really a fan of the meat.
I just had a little of it.
It’s tender.
(BF said he’s unsure if they really used real wagyu meat….hehe)
A closer look.
I miss the gravy…..
The grilled udang galah.
Major disappointment.
My udang was not fresh while BF’s was undercooked.
The fried hard boiled egg was my favourite after the cencaru.
A simple dish yet enjoyable.
The aftermath.
(if I were at home, I would make good use of my fingers and clean up the cencaru….lol)
For dessert, we were given sago with sweet corns, gula melaka, peanuts crumble and ice cream.
It was SO GOOD.
(according to the menu, it’s coconut ice cream but we both thought it tasted very much like vanilla. But who cares? It’s super delicious)



Verdict: We both enjoyed our dinner. Almost everything was good. The portion was big. The service was quite attentive. However, the chef needs to check on the quality of the udang galah dish.
Overall, I think the Nasi Dulang is worth the price. I have just one wish…..please include the sago gula melaka in your dessert menu yah  😛
Ben’s, Pavillion
Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur.
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